small bug fixes and news on the next patch


- Added a grace period for jumping off platforms

- Enemies will no longer shoot if they don't have line of sight

The next patch is hopefully going to be the UI overhaul, however if other outstanding issues arise in playtesting those will be fixed first. 

UI Overhaul plan:

- Redoing all the menus and UI in a new and consistent style

- Settings will actually work now

- Settings will save between scenes

- Buttons might have sounds when clicked (not sure on this one yet)

- Sensitivity slider

- Changes to the graphics settings to make them easier to understand

- Full controller support on the menus

- Level Select screen for future updates

Other misc fixes based on playtesting and feedback.

I'm not sure when this will come out but i will post updates on the progress here and there.

For now stay tuned :)

Files 211 MB
29 days ago

Get Meat Engine

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