A downloadable game


Game By Foxtrox

Music by Stan Magendanz

Meat Engine is an first person shooter game inspired by Half Life, Scorn, Dusk and Doom.


Movement: WASD/Left Joystick

Jump/Wall Jump: Spacebar/Gamepad Right South

Slide: Left Control/Left Joystick Down

Shooting: Left Mouse/Right Trigger

Change Weapons: 1-4 keys/Right and Left Bumper

Menus: Esc Button/Controller Home button

Interaction/Opening Doors: E/Gamepad Right West

What's the game about?

It takes place in a distant and unfamiliar future. You play as a "Stillborn" a bio weapon created to protect the Meat Engine from other alien species looking to destroy it, including, rogue mutated solders created by the Meat Engine.  

What is "The Meat Engine"?

The Meat Engine is a planet sized sentient biomass, that scours the universe in an endless search for living matter. However, it is imperfect and often when absorbing other alien species they become liable for genetic mutation, which often leads to their savage desire to destroy the Meat Engine. Thus, war ceaselessly rages across the surface and within the endless tunnels of the Meat Engine.

Note from creator

This is the first game I've made as a solo developer, so expect some janky stuff. But that's not an excuse for bad game design, so, if you feel parts or all of the game needs improvement, I'm open to feedback and criticism.

This is mostly going to be used as a test build and treated more as a prototype, however, I do plan on adding patches in the near future. (Most of the these will be fixes and changes based on feedback). This build is still very early in development and you will experience bugs. If you do encounter bugs please leave a comment. :) 

For the next few months I hope to do frequent updates and fixes based on feedback and playtesting. 

Planned content:

- Gore system overhaul

- Sound rework

- New weapon functions

- 2 New levels (Runoff and The Citadel)

If things go well with this demo --I keep adding to it, making changes and fixes-- the planned release for episode 1 will be late 2025. This will include a total of 8 levels, 9 enemies, 6 weapons, and 1 boss.


MeatEngineDemoBuild.V0.0.8.zip 212 MB

Install instructions

Download the file and extract it with your program of choice (7Zip is recommended)

Development log

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